Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes

This is a classic treat that most of us can remember from our childhood.  The original recipe calls for baking the cake batter in the cones but I found this to be disastrous.   The batter looked as if it melted over the top and the cones lost their shape.  So I decided to experiment and come up with an easier way to produce this creative and deliciously, monstrous treat.   It should be called the cupcake WHOPPER ! 

First start with a baked cupcake.  Use any recipe you like but forget the liners. 

Just spray your cupcake pans with Pam for baking.

Ice the top of a cooled cupcake with a thin layer of your favorite icing. 

Invert the cupcake into the ice cream cone so that the narrow end is facing up.  The icing at the bottom will help it stick to the cone.

I'll let you in on a little secret...these are top heavy and the entire batch I made toppled over before I could even get them from the counter to the table that I was serving them on. 
 So I decided next time I would weight down the bottom and do this...

That should do it. 

Next, take a knife and gently spread icing any which way to cover the entire cupcake.  This doesn't have to look perfect.  Just a thin layer will do.

Then using a star tip and piping bag, pipe around the cupcake starting at the bottom and swirl it all the way to the top.

It's looking like an ice cream cone now.  Soft serve..yummy!!!

But of course, you can always do a little more to add pizazz to your cupcakes.


These would be perfect for the kiddos on the 4th of July but, I must warn you.   If you are headed to a 4th of July shindig then click the link below for an idea on how to travel with these. 

They DO NOT travel well otherwise. 

(courtesy vanilla bean baker)

Happy Baking,



  1. This is a great idea! I've baked cupcakes into the cone before and yes it's cute, but the cones get super stale in the oven. This is a better alternative to get the cute Cupcake Ice Cream cone look! Thanks for shearing!

  2. AnonymousJuly 01, 2011

    YUMMMY! Our aunt made these last year. But didn't put the M&M's in .... great touch!


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