Monday, August 23, 2010

Let's get ready to rumble!

Those who know me well understand that to me, the best thing about Summer is that Fall is right behind it.   Apple pie, pumpkin butter, farms, festivals, hay rides and bonfires are just a few of my favorite things to come this Fall. So you can imagine my excitement when preseason football is upon us and apple picking is in the very near future.  This Fall I plan to make brand new treats mixed in with some oldies but goodies. One of which involves a twist on the all American apple pie.  Let's just say there is a little "pop" to it.  You'll see soon enough.   Until then I'll be dreaming of the leaves turning colors, the kids going back to school and the pumpkin patches we plan to visit, all the while in the midst of this intense heat wave we're still enduring here in Northern Virginia. 

Let's get ready to rumble!

Best wishes,


1 comment:

  1. WOW! This takes the cake! J
    Thanks for sharing with me.


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