Friday, September 10, 2010

September tree

Okay, so this post isn't about baking but I promise you, I have been baking all week.  In fact, I have made over a hundred mini cupcakes and  tons of buttercream for my first cake tasting this weekend.  But more on that later.  This week was the first week of school, so in the midst of cake batter and sugar I have been preparing to get the kids off in the early morning... chaos free! To get them in the school spirit, I decided to make a fabulous Back to School dinner and eat "fancy" in the dining room.  I also put together a Back to School tree just to make it fun.  With all of this said and done, the kids first week went smoothly with everyone happy, healthy and looking good.  Here's too a great first week, a successful cake tasting and as always lots of happy baking!

The Dinner

The Tree

The First Day of School

Enjoy this beautiful fall weather,


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