Thursday, December 9, 2010

star wars cupcakes

Tis the season to a lot of baking and in my household,a birthday party or two. This year my four year old wanted a star wars party so I insisted we do cupcakes. I had in mind liners and toppers I saw in my Williams Sonoma catalog. I could order them, bake the cupcakes in twenty minutes, make the buttercream in ten and be done with it.  It's a busy time of year, what's a girl to do but come up with something quick, cute and festive.  I think these cupcakes are out of this world, if I do say so myself.

The power of the force is with you
when you purchase these below

A batch of red velvet cake 
to bake I must

Truly wonderful the mind of a child is

 The force is with thee when lining the pans and an Apron with your name under the tree will be

"Daaa daaa... da da da daaa daaa...
da da da daaa daaa...
da da da daaa"

"Who's scruffy-looking?" 

(I love me some Han Solo)

"May the force be with you"


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