Friday, February 8, 2013

Rice Krispy "Love" Treats

This Valentines Day I am bringing in treats to my son's fourth grade class.  One of the students has an egg allergy so I knew cupcakes and most cookies (kids would recognize) were not an option.  There was only one dessert that was hand held and kid friendly that instantly came to mind... Rice Krispy Treats.  But, let's face it, they are a little lack luster in appearance.  I wanted to jazz them up and make them SHOUT "I Love You" and make a big Valentines Day impression on all the kids.  So, I picked up heart shaped sprinkles in the dollar aisle at Target, Rice Krispies Cereal, a bag of marshmallows, red food coloring and a heart shaped cookie cutter to make them pink, heart shaped treats.  I have to admit, I am not a photographer.  I probably should have used a few more drops of red food coloring for the camera to pick it up, but in person, these sweeties are rockin their pale pink hue and ready to say "I love you" to all the cutie patooties who will eat them.

Oops, I meant to do that! 
 I have always referred to this cereal as Rice Krispy Cereal and not the original name of Rice Krispies Cereal.  So indulge me as I call this dessert  Rice Krispy Love Treats and not Rice Krispies Love Treats.  Didn't want to confuse you or let you think I made a boo boo.  FYI, if you Google  Rice Krispies Treats, you will be surprised how many people spell it a different way.  I guess it depends on where you come from and what brand cereal you use.  

Okay, moving on...

In a large pot, melt the butter and add the bag of marshmallows stirring until smooth.  Add the red food coloring until combined.  Then add the cereal and sprinkle that pot with lots of sprinkles love.

I wanted mine to be thin so I used a jelly roll pan.  Just butter up any pan you plan to use so you can remove them easily once you cut them.   

I prettied mine up with a red bow. I wanted them to each look like a heart shaped box of chocolates.  


Rice Krispy "Love" Treats


6 cups Rice Krispy cereal ( can use generic brand)
3 tablespoons butter
4 cups mini marshmallows
5-6 drops of red food coloring (optional)
Valentine Sprinkles (optional)


Butter a 15 x 10 x 1 jelly roll pan.  

In a large pot, melt the butter on medium low heat.  Add the marshmallows; stir constantly until fully melted and there are no lumps.  Add the food coloring and stir.

Remove from heat.  Add the cereal and sprinkles; mix thoroughly.  

Next, butter your hands (yes, your hands) really well and press warm Rice Krispy mixture into your buttered pan.  Push down and to the corners of your pan using the palms of your hand. Flatten the best you can.  You can also take the bottom of a flat measuring cup and run it across the Rice Krispies gently but firmly.

Lastly, using your chosen cookie cutter, while the mixture is still warm, cut out each heart and place on another cookie sheet lined with waxed paper.  The goodies will be ready to wrap, eat or package once completely cookies ( about 20 min.)  Enjoy!   

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