Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Readers, are you out there?

Hi readers,

Some of you have been contacting me because you couldn't find my blog.  Well, I think I fixed the problem.  As you can see Buttercream is now Buttercream Bakehouse.  We have a new logo, company colors, and in the process of total branding we changed our domain name.  I realized when I switched hosting sites that I didn't redirect my readers at the old URL of http://www.mybuttercream.blogspot.com/ to my new URL which is http://www.buttercream-bakehouse.com/ SO, in any event, if you are reading this then I think the glitch has been fixed.  Please do me a favor if you have a second and leave a comment so I know you are all out there.  I was going crazy with trying to figure this out so I didn't leave any of you behind.  Thanks peeps...and by the way, I have a lot in store for your this Fall.  You'll want to stay tuned...it's going to be amazing.



  1. Love your new branding! Looking forward to seeing what's in store for the Fall!

  2. HELLOOOOO! I am here! So glad I found you!!


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